I think like a lot go photographers in world at the moment, we have taken the opportunity to experiment with different techniques and have taken advantage of what Covid-19 has given us…and that is time.
We have all in some way been affected by this devastating virus, whether it has been due to losing family or friends to having your entire life flipped upside down and having to re adjust to the new normal! So we have been forced into quarantine / lockdown to help eliminate or lessen the spread of Covid-19.
As a photographer, this time has allowed me to explore with lighting and techniques…on top of homeschooling kids and trying to maintain some form of sanity. I have done so in this series by photographing my acoustic guitar and my 10 year old’s ukulele.
Walden Acoustic Guitar

Walden D320T Series

Walden D320T Series

Walden D320T Series

Walden D320T Series

Walden D320T Series

Walden D320T Series
Onyx Acoustic Ukulele

Onyx Acoustic Ukulele

Onyx Acoustic Ukulele

Onyx Acoustic Ukulele

Onyx Acoustic Ukulele

Onyx Acoustic Ukulele